The CHS Class of '68 55th Reunion is scheduled for September 29 - October 1, 2023, at the Safety Harbor Spa. Specific information will follow closer to the event.
If you plan to stay at the Spa, please make your room reservation now. To reserve your room, navigate to
The Safety Harbor Spa Reservations' website or call hotel reservations at 1-888-778-3748, and the use the code "1000070139" to receive the negotiated room rate.
If you have already registered and just want to sign up for the Jolley Trolley, fill in your name, how many for the JT, and how you will pay. Then mail your check using the information provided on the next screen or go pay using PayPal.
Hope to see you there.
No. Attending
Guest's Name
Phone Number
When will you attend?
Both Nights ($160 per person) Friday Night Only ($75 per person) Saturday Night Only ($100 per person)
Can you donate a little extra to help defray costs? If yes, how much? And, THANK YOU!! name1
Sign me up for Jolly Trolly ride. How many ($25 per person, limited to the first 30 people to sign up)? 
Will you be staying at the Spa? Yes No
How will you pay?
I'll send a check (made payable to "CHS Class of 1968" to Patty Day Perkey, 2336 Sweetbrier CT, Dunedin, FL 34698) Send me an invoice (pay by PayPal using credit card) I'll pay @CHS1968 using my PayPal