50th Reunion
50th Reunion was a great success
The Clearwater High School Class of 1968 50th Reunion was held October 12th and 13th at the
Safety Harbor Resort and Spa.

Here's what it looked like...
Thursday Night, October 11
We kicked off the Reunion weekend with a get together at O'Keefe's on the outside deck by the Tiki Bar.
Friday, October 12
1:00 pm - A reunion tradition, this year the golf tournament was held at Clearwater Country Club.
3:00 pm - Registration was held in the Hospitality Suite.
6:00 pm - We enjoyed hors d'oeuvres and cocktails on the Bayview Terrace on the shores of beautiful Tampa Bay. Bob Bentz and Kristin Whitehurst were the committee contacts for this event! Thanks for your hard work, Bob and Kristin.
Saturday, October 13
8:00 am - Saturday started with a walk through the beautiful back bay of Tampa Bay. Judy Carignan Buck, Darlene Dormer Schueler, and Jim Drain were the leaders for this 2-mile walk.
10:00 am - The Jolley Trolley tour of North Pinellas County was sold out. Jim Drain was our tour guide as we stopped briefly at our alma mater, then drove past the brand new, completely rebuilt Largo High School. From there, we headed out to the beach for a quick stop at the Palm Pavillion. Then we headed back to Clearwater for a tour of the spectacular Capitol Theater. After that, we took the scenic route to Dunedin and then back to the Spa by approximately. It was better than we could have imagined. Thanks to Linda Burr for arranging our outstanding tour of the Cap!!
1:00 pm - We worked on decorations in the Four Springs Ballroom. Thanks to all who helped including Kristin Whitehurst, Judy Carignan Buck, Jim Drain, Linda Burr, Lynne Edelman Faimalie. A special thanks to Darlene Dormer Schueler and her daughter, Amber Hays, for making our beautiful table decorations and coordinating the decorating efforts.
6:30 pm - Cocktails in the History Hall.
- Dress was dressy casual and there was a cash bar.
7:30 pm - We moved into the Four Springs Ballroom for a delicious buffet dinner followed by entertainment and dancing.
- Hostess with the Mostest, Linda Burr, was the emcee at our gathering.
- Special thanks to Thomas Watson and Jim Hydrick who put together our outstanding memorabilia display. So many fond memories.
- Jim Drain put together a fabulous presentation recapping the highs and lows of 1968.
- Lynne Edelman Faimalie updated us on the status of our Clearwater High School Class of 1968 Scholarship Fund.
- "Marvelous Marvin," our DJ extrordinaire took over and the partying commenced until the hotel kicked us out.
- Patty Day Perkey and Jim Drain were the committee contacts for this event.
Sunday, October 14
9:00 am - Doug Burton and Frank Wollett coordinated our Church Service. There was music and lots of love shared by the attendees. Thanks Doug and Frank for making this so successful.
11:00 am - Many attended the Sunday Brunch at the hotel and it was WONDERFUL. So much food, so many friends. It was the perfect ending to a very enjoyable weekend.
Thanks to all who attended and made this event such a success. Visit our Facebook page for photos and comments from many classmates.